welcome to CARGOPUSHER. please look through this site as you wish. feel free to leave a message on the grafitti wall.
you may know me as ren styler or cloudsmasha sukka. maybe even DJ Gleep Glorp if you're mega cool. alex pseudosmash? poop cock? theoffspringstan2009? mr renard v queefston the legendary shitposter on youtube?
this site is designated for my creative work, or any other experimental thing i decide to do with it.
i run a "label" under the name of stylr technologies! i have different aliases that i use to produce different kinds of music, specifically of the computer type.
At the core of every movement are some ideas. Usually there are also songs (with no ideas) about "rockets red glare," "amber waves of grain," "purple mountain majesty," and other hidden drug references.
This is better. These songs have ideas PLUS drugs, sex and ass-kicking. Memorize them, then eat your monitor.