ret auxius is the guardian of the Dimension Hallway. Originally a mortal and living a long and luxurious, greedy life, he was cursed to do so after death by the Eye Of Life until it burns out.

ret auxius is not his original name. It was given to him by the Eye Of Life after he was sentenced to his punishment when he died, and ret does not remember his original name.

ret can be seen simply sitting high up in the floating clouds most of the time. He does not spend his time doing much as punishment for his luxurious life, and has no personal belongings. According to him, his dimension is long gone by this point, saying "It must be millions of moons gone by now, because I can't find its door." After about a week of being there in the first place, he lost track of time because "I'm dead. I have nothing. No belongings, no women, no friends, no reason. So why keep track of time like I'm missing out on anything? I must have been here for a million years."

Very few mortals will rarely wander into the Dimension Hallway. According to ret, the last mortals to visit were "A merchant and her little friend from your dimension. They were very entertaining, and they told me funny stories from their home dimension."

ret is not allowed to leave the Dimension Hallway. However, the moon goddess will occassionally pass by in the sky and talk to him. ret auxius developed feelings for her, but cannot confess as he fears the Eye Of Life's wrath.